Maharashtra BJP chief slams Rahul Gandhi for 'insulting' PM Modi and OBCs

NAGPUR: Maharashtra BJP president Chandrashekhar Bawankule on Friday hit out at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his remark on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and alleged that he has insulted the PM and the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in the country.

He also said people would teach a lesson to Gandhi in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Bawankule was referring to the former Congress chief's remarks made during his 'Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra' on Thursday, wherein he said that PM Modi was born in a family that belonged to the general caste.

"Modi ji has been misleading the people by saying that he is an OBC. He was born in a family of the 'Ghanchi' caste, which was included in the OBC list during the BJP government's tenure in Gujarat in 2000. He changed his caste to OBC after becoming the CM of Gujarat. Therefore, Modi ji is not an OBC by birth," the Congress MP asserted in Odisha.

Members of the Bharatiya Janata Party's OBC Morcha and party workers staged agitation at Sanvidhan square in Nagpur city against Gandhi over his remarks on PM Modi.

Speaking to reporters during the agitation here, Bawankule said protests weare being held against Rahul Gandhi across Maharashtra.

"Rahul Gandhi, who was born in an Italian family has insulted Modi ji. Rahul Gandhi continuously insults Modi ji and the entire OBC community. So the entire India and the OBC community have hit the streets. Rahul Gandhi is such a fool...When OBC reservation was implemented in Gujarat, Modi ji was not there (as the CM)," he claimed.

"People will teach a lesson to Italian Rahul Gandhi and the 60 percent OBC population will also teach a lesson to him in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections," he said.

"I demand the resignation of Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole, party leader Vijay Wadettiwar who claim to be OBC leaders while their own leader insults OBC...Born in an Italian family, this Italian parcel comes to this country and insults OBCs," Bawankule said.

The OBC community will not tolerate this insult and Gandhi will not be spared, he added.

Bawankule also said that the Congress has never done anything for the OBCs, while PM Modi was working for the community day and night.


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