KVK Shopian holds training Programme
Jammu Links News2/10/2025

SHOPIAN: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Shopian in collaboration with Non-Government Organization (NGO) Reacha kick started a week long Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme on "Scientific Interventions in Fruit Crops for Quality Improvement" at Handew, Imamsahib Shopian.

The programme was attended by a team of Scientists from KVK-Shopian District Coordinator NGO-Reacha and other employees of both the collaborating organizations.

At the outset of the programme, Dr Zaffar Afroz Badri Senior Scientist & Head, KVK-Shopian, presented a welcome address & deliberated upon the strategy of training educated rural youth of the district to earn their livelihood through these programmes and urged youth to become job providers.

He emphasized upon the use of integrated approach to improve the soil health and different ways and means to cut down the input cost by adopting the latest university recommended technologies.

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Pandit course Coordinator of the programme gave a power point presentation on High Density plantation.

He shared information regarding various ways and means for profitable enterprises in horticulture and other practices in horticulture to harvest the better dividends, improve the soil health with integrated nutrient and pest management.

Dr. Mir Shabir Scientist Animal sciences presented a formal vote of thanks to the distinguished dignitaries and participants of the programme.

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