Home Minister Amit Shah meets Pahari delegation in Srinagar
Jammu Links News5/16/2024

SRINAGAR: A delegation of Pahari leaders met Home Minister Amit Shah in Srinagar on Thursday evening.

During their interaction with media person after the meeting here in Lalit Hotel, delegation members expressed their gratitude to both the Home Minister and the Prime Minister for addressing their community's longstanding issues.

Sources reported that in addition to the meeting with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders from Jammu and Kashmir, the Home Minister shall be meeting several other delegations tonight.

The possibility of a security review meeting regarding the Amarnath Yatra has not been ruled out, according to these sources.

Earlier, Amit Shah was welcomed by BJP leaders at The Lalit hotel in Srinagar.

To ensure the Home Minister's security, security measures across the city were significantly heightened for the duration of his visit.

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