Administrative Council approves 50% hike in honorarium of Rehbar-e-Khel teachers
Jammu Links News2/21/2024

JAMMU: The Administrative Council (AC) which met here under the chairmanship of the Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, accorded approval to 50%hike in honorarium  in favour of 2417 Rehbar-e-Khel(s) (ReK) physical education teachers of Youth Services and Sports Department.

Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor; Atal Dulloo, Chief Secretary; Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, Principal Secretary to Lieutenant Governor attended the meeting.

Earlier a High Powered Committee under Chief Secretary constituted for the purpose in the year 2021 have recommended hike in honorarium at 50% in favour of these Rehbar-e-Khel teachers.

The enhancement of honorarium in favour of ReKs will encourage them for further promotion and popularization of sports activities in the schools of UT of J&K.

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