Election teams reach all polling stations of Kupwara
Jammu Links News5/19/2024

KUPWARA: In a significant progress towards ensuring the smooth conduct of the Lok Sabha Elections, on May 20, in Kupwara district all the poll parties along with election material have reached to their respective polling stations successfully.

The process of dispatching Poll Parties along with material from Dispatch cum Receipt Centers (DCRCs) established for 6 assembly segments of the district was conducted smoothly under the meticulous supervision of the District Election Officer (DEO) Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan.

The poll parties were warmly welcomed and received by concerned Panchayat Secretaries (Nodal officer For AMFs and Stay arrangements), BLOs, field functionaries of PHE and PDD.

Earlier, the District Election Officer visited DCRCs of the district where She interacted with polling parties and urged them to adhere to Election Commission's guidelines strictly and execute their assigned tasks with dedication & integrity.

The deployment of polling parties marks a crucial step in the electoral process, ensuring that democratic exercise proceeds smoothly and efficiently.

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