Agriculture Department Kashmir celebrates ‘World Bee Day'
Jammu Links News5/20/2024

SRINAGAR: Agriculture Department Kashmir today celebrated ‘World Bee Day' by organising an event at Bee Gardens Lalmandi Srinagar.

This year the ‘World Bee Day' is observed under the theme ‘Bee Engaged with Youth.'

The celebrations commenced with the address by the Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal during which he appreciated the painstaking efforts put in by the Bee Keepers, apiarists, technical experts and other stakeholders who continuously strive for the development of this sector.

He said that the region offers huge scope for the development of beekeeping as a vibrant agriculture cottage industry and means of additional income for the financial security of the farming community. He said that under HADP a special project for the development of apiculture is being implemented by the department.

Speaking during the technical session, Director Agriculture who is also the Nodal Officer National Beekeeping Honey Mission (NBHM) for Jammu and Kashmir said that the world Bee day aims to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and their contribution to sustainable development.

Technical sessions on production technology, research, scientific beekeeping, marketing challenges and solutions were held and addressed by chief agriculture officer Srinagar, Apiculture development officer Srinagar, ADO Srinagar, Assistant Entomologist and other speakers.

A number of young beekeepers, processors, trainees from ITBP and SSB Cantonment, officers from entomology section besides other officers/officials of the department also participated in the event.

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