Returning Officer AC Thanamandi refutes claims of Political Party
Jammu Links News9/25/2024

RAJOURI: The Returning Officer Thanamandi has clarified that the election in the Assembly Constituency were conducted smoothly and peacefully without any major disruptions.

"The allegation that polling agents of a Particular Party were not allowed entry into Polling Stations No. 183, 142, 139, 138, 133, and 132 is completely unfounded. Polling agents of the said party are present and have been functioning without any hindrance in Polling Stations No. 132, 133, 142, and 183" he said.

However, he said "In the case of Polling Stations 138 and 139, the polling agents were not authorized by the said Political Party itself, and thus, the absence of these agents is due to internal party decisions, not external interference."

"In light of these facts, all allegations made in a press conference by the contesting candidate are baseless and without merit. The election process continues to be conducted fairly and transparently, in line with the guidelines provided by the Election Commission of India," he added.

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