GMC Anantnag organizes one-day CME program on ‘First Ortho Edge: Advancing Surgical Excellence'
Jammu Links News12/18/2024

ANANTNAG: The Department of Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery at Government Medical College (GMC) Anantnag Wednesday organised a one-day Continuing Medical Education (CME) program titled ‘First Ortho Edge: Advancing Surgical Excellence'.

The event, convened under the patronage of Principal and Dean, Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Najeeb, focused on advances in Hip and Pelvic Orthopedic surgeries, featuring scientific talks by renowned experts in the field.

Prominent orthopedic specialists from leading medical colleges and institutions shared their insights and experiences. The list of distinguished speakers included Dr. Altaf Kawoosa, HOD Orthopedics, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Saheel Majid, HOD Orthopedics, SKIMS Medical College; Dr. Shabir Ahmad Dhar, SKIMS Medical College; Dr. Riyaz Dar, SKIMS Medical College; Dr. Zameer Ali, HOD Orthopedics, GMC Baramulla; Dr. Javid, HOD Orthopedics, GMC Handwara; Dr. Asif Baba, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Ifikhar Hussain Wani, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Asif Sultan, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Ansar, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Mudasir, GMC Srinagar; Dr. Nisar, GMC Handwara; Dr. M Haseeb Gani, Paras Hospital Srinagar and Dr. Adnan Zahoor, Shifa Hospital Srinagar

Experts from GMC Anantnag also delivered insightful talks, including Dr. Younus Kamal, Dr. Nawaz Ahmad Bhat, Dr. Murtaza Fazil Ali, and Dr. Tabish Tahir.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal and Dean Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Najeeb congratulated the Department of Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery for the grand success of the CME. She emphasized her commitment to supporting all departments in organizing academic events such as conferences, workshops, and CMEs to foster academic growth and enhance patient care.

The organizing team included Dr. Younus Kamal, Associate Professor and HOD Orthopedics GMC Anantnag, as the Organizing Chairman; Dr. Nawaz Ahmad Bhat, Co-Organizing Chairperson; Dr. Tabish Tahir, Organizing Secretary; Dr. Murtaza Fazil Ali, Co-Organizing Secretary and Dr. Kaleemul Haq as Treasurer.

The event was lauded for its high-level academic discussions and its contribution to advancing surgical excellence in orthopedic care.

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