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Workshop on ‘Be Internet Awesome’ conducted

JAMMU: Jammu Sanskriti School conducted a workshop on ‘Internet Awesome' in collaboration with Mahattattva, CBSE and Google India.

The workshop was conducted to equip learners to be safe online. The resource persons for the day were Deepti Sawhney (Founder CEO of Mahattattva CREATE curriculum) and Usha Pathania (Director Mahattattva CREATE curriculum). They deliberated on how to make learners and teachers internet friendly and technologically advance.

Rohini Aima (Principal cum Vice Chairperson of the host School) greeted the gathering and conveyed her heart-warming welcome to all the dignitaries.

Other dignitaries of JSS and faculty members from different schools also participated in the workshop. The workshop was enriching and enlightening wherein curriculum and modules were discussed and stress was laid on how to implement the same in the institution.

Rohini Aima, Principal Cum Vice- Chairperson confabulated that workshops like these are the need of the hour and as a School we have always catered to latest trends prevalent in for our children and faculty .

She also ensured to conduct such magnificent workshops in future as well to make every stakeholder of our internet awesome.



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