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JU organises Book release function in collaboration with Punjabi Sahtik Sabha

JAMMU: A book release function was organized at the Seminar Hall of the Department of Punjabi today by the Post Graduate Department of Punjabi, University of Jammu in collaboration with Punjabi Sahtik Sabha (PSS), R S Pura.

Prof. Anupama Vohra, Convener Publication Cell, University of Jammu was the chief guest on this occasion whereas S. Pritpal Singh Betab IAS (Retd.), a prominent Urdu and Punjabi poet presided over the function.

Dr. Baljeet Kour, Head, Department of Punjabi shared the dais. Punjabi book titled ‘Shabdan De Sur Panchhi' written by Harjit Singh Uppal was released in the function. A large number of intellectuals, writers, faculty members, research scholars, students and others attended the programme.

The event has been a part of the celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The programme started with the welcome address by Prof. Baljeet Kour, Head and Department of Punjabi.

In her address, she said that the Department is organizing regularly various literary interactive events between literary people, research scholars, students, faculty and the public in general.

Two papers were presented regarding the contribution of Harjit Singh Uppal and other aspects of his creative writing by research scholars Gurpreet Kour and Rajveer Singh on the released book. Amongst the present guests, Dr. Monojit, President Punjabi Lekhak Sabha, Jammu, Dr. Arvinder Singh Aman, Addl. Secy JKAACL, Pal Gurdaspuri (Prominent Poet from Punjab), Swami Antarnirav, presented their views on the properties of a genre of the poetry of Harjit Singh Uppal. Faculty members of the department have also expressed their views on this occasion.

A retired administrator of a bank and President Punjabi Sahitak Sabha, R.S.Pura, Harjit Singh Uppal has come to the fore in recent years, though he has been writing for a long time.

In his poetry, he has written Ghazals and poems with equal proficiency. He is well versed in Vazan, Behar and Arooz, the basics of Ghazal writing. In the released book there are 41 Ghazals and 41 poems associated with Nature.

The role of Nature in all the activities of human beings is the main feature of his poetry.

The vegetation, its greenery, flora-n-fauna, the musical harmony of flowing water of rivers and springs with other elements of Nature are found in abundance in his poetry.

Harjit Singh Uppal spoke on his creative process of poetry writing. He thanked the Department of Punjabi, JU also for organizing a nice function at the Seminar Hall of the Department of Punjabi.

In his presidential address, S. Pritpal Singh Betab appreciated the intricacies of Uppal's poetic creativity. He said that there are a small number of such writers who are doing well in the field of Ghazal in Punjabi language.

He appreciated the steps taken by the Department of Punjabi, JU for organizing seminars, book release functions and interactive sessions of the scholars and faculty with the invited writers of various genres.

In her address, the chief guest Prof. Anupama Vohra appreciated the Department of Punjabi for conducting such literary events regularly. She said the Department of Punjabi, JU is leading in pursuing interactive seminars and other such events. According to Prof. Vohra this kind of interactive programmes would prove to be productive for the upcoming generation of scholars.

The proceedings of the programme were conducted by Dr. Harjinder Singh, Assistant Professor. & Organizing Secretary of the event. Dr. Pritam Singh, Assistant Professor & Coordinator of the programme extended the vote of thanks.

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