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Jammu Sanskriti School unveils annual school magazine ‘Digdharshani'

JAMMU: Jammu Sanskriti School on Saturday released its annual school magazine in the precincts in the benignant presence of Ramesh Kumar Divisional Commissioner Jammu as Chief Guest and Anuradha as Guest of Honour who embarked the commencement of release of school magazine with his efficacious personality.

The event was evoked by a ceremonial lamp lighting ceremony followed by cordially welcoming the Chief Guest in a heartwarming way by Rohini Aima, Principal Cum Vice- Chairperson.

Divisional Commissioner Jammu while addressing the gathering acknowledged and appreciated the school for catering to all round and harmonious development of students and bringing a paradigm shift in the educational sector.

He also congratulated the efforts put in by Sanskritians for making this event a successful one. He also felicitated the Class XII meritorious students and our saviours of humanity.

Rohini Aima, Principal Cum Vice-Chairperson conveyed her heart warming gratitude to the Chief Guest for his benign presence in this event and innervening our Sanskritians by his meticulous achievements.


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