20-member delegation of Padari Tribe calls on Lt Governor
Jammu Links News2/21/2024

JAMMU: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha met the delegation of Padari Tribe at Raj Bhawan, today.

The delegation led by Sh Sunil Sharma, former Minister expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Lt Governor led UT Administration for Scheduled Tribe status to Padari tribe.

The members of the delegation said, the historic decision has paved the way for the socio-economic empowerment of the community and it will create an enabling environment for the Padari Tribe to contribute to the development of J&K and the country.

The Lt Governor said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji is committed to inclusive development of every section of society with the mantra of Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas.

"Our effort is to create an inclusive and equitable society, empower the marginalised and ensure they enjoy the benefits of national development," the Lt Governor said.

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