GDC Baramulla successfully hosts ‘Inspire, Lead & Succeed' one-day Mentorship Convention, 2024
Jammu Links News6/12/2024

BARAMULLA: A one-day Mentorship Convention on ‘Inspire, Lead & Succeed' was organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Government Degree College (Autonomous) Baramulla, here.

The event exemplified the college's commitment to its Mentor-Mentee programme, aligned with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020). The convention provided a dynamic platform for students to interact with seasoned professionals for immersive learning, networking and mentorship.

Prof. (Dr.) Neelofar Bhat, Principal GDC Baramulla/ Programme Director inaugurated the programme and delivered a warm welcome address, highlighting the pivotal role of mentorship in fostering robust relationships between mentors and mentees, thereby nurturing student growth.

Held at the College Auditorium, the programme was attended by around 300 students of the college.

Earlier, Dr. Syed Mutahar Aaqib, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)/ NAAC in his address emphasized the significance of the programme as per the NEP-2020, and detailed the theme and objectives of the programme.

Renowned experts delivered insightful lectures during the convention. Dr. Geer Mohammad Ishaq, Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Kashmir University, provided valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of mentorship, elucidating the multifaceted role mentors play as advisors, counselors, consultants, and educators.

Dr. Ajaz Ahmad Suhaff, from the Department of Psychiatry at GMC Srinagar, delved into the intricate interplay of mental health on both mentors and mentees, offering strategies for navigating challenges and presenting case studies demonstrating student success through effective counseling interventions.

Dr. Mir Zaffar Iqbal, Director of Composite Regional Centre (CRC) Srinagar, addressed the psychological nuances inherent in the mentor-mentee relationship, stressing the importance of mentors understanding student psyches while safeguarding their own mental well-being, thereby providing constructive feedback, encouragement and emotional support.

An engaging panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Humaira Qadri, furnished practical advice and real-world anecdotes on fostering and sustaining effective mentorship relationships. The panel comprised esteemed figures such as Dr. Geer Mohammad Ishaq, Dr. Ajaz Ahmad Suhaff, Dr. Mir Zaffar Iqbal, Prof. Tariq Ahmad Chalkoo, Dr. Abdul Roouf Bhat and Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Khaja each contributing their expertise to the discourse.

A notable highlight of the event was the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing Ceremony between GDC Baramulla and the University of Kashmir, graced by the presence of Director North Campus, Prof. Sheikh Ghulam Mohammad. He underscored the significance of fostering academic collaboration, promoting research endeavors, facilitating skill development initiatives, and fostering student-faculty exchange programs.

In the concluding remarks, Dr. Syed Humayoun Shabir meticulously presented the comprehensive report of the convention, encapsulating the day's essence and underscoring the importance of reflection and documentation in educational endeavors.

The convention successfully facilitated the establishment of new mentor-mentee connections, fostered knowledge dissemination on effective mentorship practices, and bolstered student development and career readiness.

Recommendations for future iterations of the convention encompassed expanding participant diversity to offer a myriad of perspectives, conducting mentorship training workshops aimed at equipping mentors and mentees with essential skills for cultivating successful relationships, and soliciting feedback to iteratively refine the program's efficacy and address potential areas of improvement.

The one-day Mentorship Convention 2024 underscored the indispensable role of mentorship in student development, significantly enhancing career prospects through the establishment of symbiotic connections between aspiring students and seasoned professionals.

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